Polyconomics is Terrific!!!!
Jude Wanniski
July 23, 2004


Memo: To Website Fans, Browsers, Prospects
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Testimonials from Clients

Today we take time out for a commercial. Those several thousand of you who get our memos on the margin at this website, without charge, frequently get so interested in what Polyconomics does to make ends meet that you inquire about our commercial research products. We actually have products to meet practically every pocketbook, at least for those who have investments in financial assets of more than $100,000. Our major research work is offered to the institutional investment community, companies that manage at least $250 million on up to several hundred billion. Here are some nice things these folks have said about us, almost all of them coming to us in the last several weeks.... Although the first was a comment in a speech made in Washington, D.C. on December 5, 1988.

What Others Say About Polyconomics, Inc.

"Economic truth is a lever that can move governments, move history...the economic model that we've created truly has become what Jude Wanniski described as 'the way the world works."--Ronald Reagan, December 1988 PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES

"One of the great contrarians of his time - Jude and Polyconomics' perspective are always a useful tool with which to break through the noise, clutter and babble of conventional wisdom. Reading Jude over the years has helped me build a rock solid foundation from which to view the interplay between government policy and economic performance. I wouldn't want to tackle the markets without them." Ashby M. Foote III, President, Vector Money Management

"Twenty-five years ago I met Jude Wanniski and have been a client and admirer ever since. Jude and Polyconomics have been an invaluable part of my education on how the world works as well as providing a model for world and financial events that has shaped my perspective and my portfolio." George M. Yates, CEO, Heyco Energy Group

"I have known Jude Wanniski for about 30 years He is as solid an economist as there is. His book "The Way the World Works" is must reading for both economists and laypersons alike. His thoughts on the political economy are always insightful, thoughtful and provocative. He often stimulates meaningful discussion by thinking outside the box of conventional commentators and the media." Kurt Hauser, Past President, Wentworth, Hauser & Violich, Chairman Board of Overseers, The Hoover Institution

"After getting Jude's work for more than 15 years I thought I might be able to do without it and cancelled January '04 to save a few dollars. By June I realized how much I was missing and asked him to take me back! What was I missing? The context he provides, available nowhere else." Bosworth Todd, Chairman, Todd Investment Advisors

"I value Polyconomics highly. They are generally correct. Their positions are always clearly stated. "The Way The World Works" is one of the most influential books (to my mind) of all time." Lynn Hamilton, Senior Vice President, KeyTrust

"I have read Jude's work for 20 years. He is not always right but he is always provocative." Scott Marsh, Beacon Trust Company

"Jude is one of those rare individuals who can combine intellectual firepower, a conceptual framework for "how the world works", curiosity, experience, creativity and the ability to "connect the dots" in a way that provides valuable insights to his audience. He is always interesting, and frequently provocative and ahead of the pack, which is a good thing in a world where people don't generally want to stand out or take a stand. I always look forward to getting his latest commentary or update." Jeff Pippin, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Pepperdine University

"Do you want to know how the world works? Jude Wanniski knows, and he will tell you in a clear and insightful manner. You will find yourself saying, "Aha! So THAT'S it!" John Holman, Portfolio Manager, Hintz, Holman & Robillard

"I frequently don't agree with Jude. Nonetheless, I have the greatest respect and admiration for the quality of his analysis, and his independent and perceptive views of the monetary, economic, and geopolitical environment." Morris Mark, President, Mark Asset Management

"Over the last six years I have relied on many different information sources. The ONLY useful predictor of future outcomes has been Polyconomics. If you read their old analysis you will find that it lines up remarkably well with what actually occurred. Polyconomics uses a macro model that actually works and is actually not that complicated. What is amazing is that they are the only ones (that I know of) who are practitioners of true supply side economics." Bradley V. Hill, Portfolio Manager, Legg Mason

"Only Jude has had the reliable perspicacity to forecast the direction of market prices in time for practitioners, like myself, to act. Why? Because only he has integrated and refined the necessary ingredients of classical and behavioral economics to predict outcomes with a reasonable margin of safety. Over the past two decades, his model has been unique in Isolating the inflection points of market activity and, most importantly, to explain, in advance, the explicit rationale for the occurrence of these events." Stephen Shipman, VP & Research Director, BJURMAN, BARRY & ASSOCIATES

"Jude Wanniski, in the best sense of the word, is 'uncompromising' for being unwavering in his calls and presenting them honestly and clearly. This trademark quality allows clients to quickly grasp the implications of his analysis and turn it into value." Richard Gilder, CEO, GILDER, GAGNON, HOWE & CO.

"The Polyconomics world view is unique, insightful and accurate. They not only offer excellent predictions, but they increase your capacity for understanding what is happening and why."--Russell G. Redenbaugh, formerly Partner and Director COOKE & BIELER, INC.

"Jude Wanniski's Polyconomics has been an invaluable source of news and opinions for me and the Forstmann Little companies. Jude has been an unwavering leader in the battle for clear thinking, economic growth and entrepreneurship in America and throughout the world."--Theodore J. Forstmann, Senior Partner FORSTMANN LITTLE & COMPANY

"Jude Wanniski really does understand 'the way the world works.' Polyconomics is one of the most stimulating and interesting services I see. They, more than others, have understood the impact of public policy on the economy and financial markets."--John J. F. Sherrerd, formerly Partner MILLER, ANDERSON & SHERRERD

"I can't imagine getting along without Polyconomics' unique perspective. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to name anyone who works harder, thinks clearer and presents such a comprehensive and consistent view of world events."--Scott Grannis, Director of Research WESTERN ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY

"I get all sorts of economic analysis flying across my desk. Now, I just throw everything away, except Polyconomics. I'm comfortable with that."-- Philip Hart, Vice President CHASE MANHATTAN PRIVATE BANK

Find out yourself the essential value found in Jude Wanniski's Polyconomics reports, briefs, essays, and direct mail and phone access to him and his expert staff. For Service Inquiries Call: (877) 879-7659, TRY-POLY. Or write Jude directly at jwanniski@polyconomics.com