Louis Farrakhan Writes to President Bush
Jude Wanniski
February 6, 2002


Memo To: Andrew Card, White House chief-of-staff
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: The Lost Letter

On December 1, Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam sent a lengthy letter to President Bush relative to September 11 and the War on Terrorism. He said he had thought about it for several weeks before penning it himself and hoped it would actually find its way to the President's desk. Because I knew how difficult it would be for regular mail to get through the screening process, I suggested it be sent to a senior White House official by fax, which I offered to do, the first time in mid-December. When the official said he had passed it on through channels but did not know if it had been read, much less come to the President's attention, I faxed it to another person in the West Wing three weeks ago. With two months having passed, and Minister Farrakhan informing me he has received no reply from the President or his staff, I have decided to take it upon myself to release the letter here, without having asked Min. Farrakhan's permission to do so. He had not released it himself because he believed it might have been misrepresented in its reporting as self-serving, when it was meant solely as counsel to the President from an Islamic religious leader who happens to be an American. Because he addresses administration foreign policy in the letter, there is a suspicion on my part that those who disagree with his counsel found a way to prevent it from reaching the President's desk. Perhaps by broadcasting it in this way, the President will hear of it and ask to see it. You know, I think, that I believe Min. Farrakhan is the most important Muslim leader in the world, by virtue of the fact that he is an American and can best represent the concerns of the Islamic world to our government and the administration you serve.

* * * * *

December 1, 2001

George W. Bush, President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N. W.
Washington, DC 20500

As-Salaam Alaikum.
(Peace Be Unto You)

Dear President Bush,

May this letter find you, your family and staff in the best of health and spirit in spite of the prevailing circumstances.

I am Minister Louis Farrakhan, National Representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, whom I believe Allah (God) raised among the Black people of America to teach us Islam as a means of our reformation and resurrection. He was also raised by Allah (God) as a Warner to the government and people of the United States of America. I sit in His seat by Allah's (God's) and His permission, therefore, His Mission is my Mission, and, it is out of my sense of mission and duty that I write.

I am deeply concerned for our country, and, I am deeply concerned for you.

I used the possessive pronoun our, because the blood of my ancestors soaks this soil and their blood has been shed on every foreign battlefield for the preservation of this nation. Therefore, we as a people feel a deep sense of ownership of America as much as any American. It is also out of this deep sense of concern and ownership that I write to you.

I write you from my prison. A prison without bars that has been made for me because of the passion for truth and justice out of which I speak, and, the propaganda that makes me appear to many as anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and anti-Gay. None of these names accurately describe who I am. I hope that you will open your heart to what I am writing not withstanding the prison from which I am writing.

Since Adam, there has not been one person or nation with power and dominion over the whole earth. This is the awesome position that America holds by Allah's (God's) permission.

This indeed is a great trial for you and for America, because, when Allah (God) allows anyone of us to rule over His servants and a great part of His creation, He does so to see how we act. If we act well, He will not replace our rule; however, if we allow the power, wealth, and wisdom that we possess over Allah's (God's) servants and creation to blind us so that we act other than as Allah (God) would desire us to act, then, He acts through the forces of nature and through people to overturn our rule.

This is a very dangerous Hour, but, it is an Hour filled with great opportunity. What is needed in this Hour is Right or Divine Guidance. This Guidance must be in accord with the Time and what this Time demands.

It is written in the Book of Revelation "The nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great, and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. " (Chapter 11 verse 18)

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, "We are living in the Day of Judgment." This is what is producing the anger of the nations and the Wrath of Allah (God). This is the time that those who have been deprived of justice must receive justice, for, it is only our acting on the principle of justice that will ease the anger of the nations and take away the Wrath of Allah (God). There can be no Justice without Truth, and, there can be no Peace in the world without Justice.

As a nation, America is blessed with wealth, wisdom, science, technology, and, abundance. America is also blessed with the awesome power to destroy nations of people. In order for you and America to receive the greatest of Allah's (God's) Blessings, which is the longevity and perpetuity that former great nations and empires have not enjoyed, you must rule according to the Will and the Way of Allah (God).

Mr. President, you and this nation stand in the position of the Viceregent of Allah (God). (The person or nation that rules the earth in the place of Allah (God)). This is why America must rule the world as Allah (God) Himself would rule, for, she is now standing in His place by His permission.

Allah (God) also has awesome power to destroy. He is called The Possessor of Power over all things, and, He is also called The Destroyer, The Avenger. However, none of these attributes are His principle attributes. All of His attributes of might and power to avenge and destroy are balanced by His major attributes, which are Beneficence, Mercy, The Nurturer - of all things making them attain stage after stage until they reach perfection, and, King or Judge - who judges with justice. These are the four greatest attributes of Allah (God).

If America is to be truly triumphant in this Hour, these four great attributes must give balance and direction to America's awesome power to destroy and her desire to avenge the horrible act of September 11th.

When I heard you say that this act against America on September 11th has given purpose to your administration and that you feel that it is your mission to destroy the terrorists, their networks, those who harbor them, and, that the awesome power of America will be used toward this end. This, you hope will be the legacy that you leave to future generations; you also hope that the children and the American people will live without the fear of such evil as we experienced on September 11th. However, within these statements are my reasons for deep concern.

You have risen to the challenge of this Hour and this Hour has given you the support of the American people and the support of most of the nations of the earth. In my humble judgment, what you see as the purpose of your administration must not hinder or blind you from seeing the possibility of an even greater purpose and potential legacy.

It is out of this desire to see you fulfill that which will give you the greatest legacy that I write to you as a humble servant appealing to a great and powerful nation and ruler. I respectfully say to you that I believe if you continue this effort in the way that you presently have in mind, it will not end terrorism, but unfortunately may increase it.

On September 17, 1985, 1 had a vision-like experience where I was told of the secret plan of President Ronald Reagan who had met with his Joint Chiefs of Staff in early September 1985 to plan a war. I was not told whom that war was against, but, within a few months it became clear to me that the war was against Libya and its Leader, Muammar Gadhafi. President Reagan on coming into office had as one of his aims the desire to get rid of Muammar Gadhafi, and to place in the leadership of Libya a regime more favorable to America's foreign policy interests. The desire of President Reagan also concerned the planning of a war involving young Black men here on the soil of America. This is what inspired me to tour the country talking to Black men urging them to stop the killing of one another, and, this is what eventually led to the Million Man March on October 16, 1995. Another of President Reagan's desires was to make null and void the treaty that was signed by his predecessor, President Jimmy Carter, returning the Panama Canal to the Panamanian people by the year 2000.

President Manuel Noriega of Panama was demonized by the press, tried in absentia and found guilty of drug dealing. This was used as the justification for a violent action that was taken against Panama using the armed forces of America. However, the real aim was to place in Panama a government of America's choosing, and, to nullify the treaty signed by President Carter that gave the Panama Canal back to the Panamanian people.

During President Reagan's administration, Muammar Gadhafi was demonized in the American press. The bombing of a discotheque in Germany was used by President Reagan to justify the most expensive assassination attempt in the history of this nation.

I need not bore you with the details of this because you have access to information that will verify the truth of what I am writing.

I am writing this to show a consistent pattern of behavior of America's Presidents, administrations, and the press with respect to those Muslim leaders and other leaders that America has chosen to denounce as rogues, and to use as a justification for military action to cover their real purposes.

President Richard Nixon wrote that the enemy of democracy was not communism, but, fundamentalist Islam. Every President since the Nixon/Ford administration has taken some military action against a Muslim nation. President Jimmy Carter felt that the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, and his replacement with the Islamist regime of Ayatollah Khomeini was a threat to America's vital interests. So, Saddam Hussein was given 80 billion dollars with America's approval by the Saudi government and the rulers of the United Arab Emirates to make Saddam Hussein a strong military power to use him against the rise of the so-called fundamentalist regime in Iran. During President Carter's administration, the American Embassy in Iran was taken and the hostage crisis began.

The effort of Jimmy Carter to free the hostages through military action after the fall of the Shah of Iran was a failure. In the negotiations between our government and the government of Imam Khomeini, it was agreed that the hostages would be released, but not during the administration of President Carter. The hostages were released in the early days of President Reagan's administration. President Reagan also saw Imam Khomeini and his desire that the Iranian people return to the purity of the faith of Islam as a threat to America's vital interests in that area of the world.

Your father fulfilled President Reagan's desire concerning the Panama Canal. Your father also had a problem that involved Saddam Hussein and Iraq. At the same time that he was prosecuting the war against Saddam Hussein, a part of that conflict also involved young Black men, gangs and drugs in America. Although the Gulf War was won by the allied forces, Saddam Hussein remains in power and has become a fixation with every succeeding President.

Mr. President, you have now inherited that which Presidents Reagan, Carter, your father, and President Clinton were not able to complete. What I have been shown is that you have decided to fulfill their unrealized expectations.

Afghanistan is only a preliminary to a much wider war which is already planned, and this war also has a home front aspect as well. Should you persist in this, you will do what no Islamic Leader is able to do. No leader of any Muslim nation can call for Jihad or Holy War and cause the Muslim world to obey that call. The only one who can call for such is one who sits in the position of Khalifah or successor of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

Since the destruction of the Caliphate of Islam by corruption within the ranks of Islam, and European machinations; the rise of nationalism among Muslim nations has made it difficult and nearly impossible to unify the Arab and Muslim world on the question of Jihad. However, Mr. President, if you follow what you have in your mind, which many of those around you are encouraging you to do, then, you will do what Osama Bin Ladin and no Muslim extremist could ever do.

You will unite the Muslim world in hostility against America and Great Britain, and, you will use your great position of power inadvertently to call for a Holy War against the West.

You will force the more moderate Islamic regimes either not to side with you, or to side with you at the risk of being overthrown by growing Islamist forces within their countries.

The coalition that you are gathering will fall away from you and you will have to pursue this war alone. I am afraid that this extended war may take a turn that you and your advisors least expect, and involve America in the greatest of all wars, the War of Armageddon, in which no nation will be left out, including Russia and China.

I believe there is a better way to win. A way that may appear more difficult, but, you will be assured of the Help of Allah (God).

The world is with you to pursue those who perpetrated this act of war against America, and, your pursuit of the guilty parties is right and proper. However, Mr. President, it will take great courage on your part to look at America's policies with a critical eye, and, it will take even greater courage to break from the policies of the past and make a new beginning for this nation and the world.

You have sent a strong signal to the world in your statement that the Palestinians should have an independent, sovereign state. If you pursue this course with firmness and justice, the hot bed of terror in the Middle East will subside. The more fair, just and equitable the solution to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, the more the anger of those on both sides will subside, and, America will get the credit of settling this 53 year old problem with justice, thereby justifying America's position as the Viceregent of Allah (God). Mr. President, with the backing of the American people and the leaders of the world, if you reexamined policies that are unfair and changed them, this signal to the world would bring the world and those so-called enemies and rogue states into your and America's sphere of influence.

Since America is peopled by the people of the entire world, and, all have contributed to America's greatness, then, America as the world ruler has an obligation to the entire world.

There is no need for a clash of civilizations. The Muslim World has much to learn from the West and the West has much to learn from the Religion of Islam.

Creating the climate for dialogue will make a great future for America, and, under her rule a peaceful world can come into existence.

There is no nation on this earth that I know of where I would have the freedom to speak as I do or write the Head of State as I am writing, and, I truly appreciate this freedom.

There is no nation on this earth that offers more in the way of freedom than this nation, however, unrighteousness is what we all should work to overcome, because in the final analysis, it is righteousness, that will make this nation truly great. I am appealing to you and imploring you Mr. President to orchestrate an end to policies that are unjust.

I appreciate the privilege that I have to live in America, and, with all her faults there is no nation on this earth where I would rather live. However, this freedom that I enjoy under the constitution lays on me a heavy responsibility. That is, to protect the best of this nation and to work to overcome those weaknesses of the nation that are causing her fall.

I have traveled to many countries and have spoken to most of the Heads of State and Government, and, not one of them has ever said to me that they hate the American people, but, they have said that they are displeased with America's foreign policies.

I believe that I can be of service to you, our nation, and to all of those whom you believe are America's enemies. I believe that all of them can be made the friends of America. The whole world would like to have America as a true friend, but, America can never be a true friend of the people of the earth until and unless she rules with the Wisdom and Spirit of Allah (God) which reflects itself in our love for humanity, our love for truth, and our exercise of the principle of justice.

The nations would be willing to share their resources with America with joy if they believed that they would get a fair price for what they produce that would allow them to raise the standard of living of their people. There is nothing that the earth possesses that America could not have easy access to, if America determined to rule the nations of the earth with the principle of justice.

If America turns away from this principle and does what she is doing because she has the power to do it, then, Allah (God) who grants power will take it from America and bring another people in her place. This does not have to be, but it will be based on how America conducts herself in this Hour of her greatest trial and her greatest potential triumph.

Mr. President, please think and pray over what I have written, and, speak to your advisors and close friends concerning it. I pray that Allah (God) will grant you the wisdom to see that what I am saying to you is good and is the way to triumph over the evil and hatred that is in the world against the United States of America.

May Allah (God) grant you the wisdom to see deeply into the Prophets' utterances concerning this Hour.

I pray that we will be triumphant over terror and become the Friend of Allah (God) in so doing.

Best wishes for your success.

Thank you for taking the time to read these words. I Am Your Servant in the war against evil,

Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Servant to the Lost-Found
Nation of Islam in the West